Mary Karakadze – Media Specialist

Mary Karakadze is a newly certified media specialist and was hired this school year at Felix Varela High School. She immediately jumped in and began involving the M.D.P.L.S. in collaborative efforts, raising awareness of resources available in the school’s Viper Central Media Room, and involving the local library to help create a more enriching educational experience for students and build a stronger sense of community.

We asked Mary what her biggest challenge was:
“The biggest challenge I have faced as a new media specialist is meeting the diverse needs of the students and coming up with a way to increase book and resource circulation. Some things I would suggest to a new media specialist would be to create an inviting library space, offer a diverse range of books, and to organize reading challenges or competitions with rewards. Making the library a fun and interactive place has helped bring in the students. As a new Media Specialist, I feel the unwavering support from the Library Media Services Department and other fellow media specialists. This has helped me learn best practices and
overcome any challenges faced!

My goal is to create a vibrant reading culture in Felix Varela High School that will inspire a
lifelong love of reading in our students.”
