AP Capstone


AP Capstone is a rigorous diploma program based on two courses: AP Seminar and AP Research. This diploma was created to meet the modern needs of college; rather than focusing on subject specific content, students develop skills such as research, analysis, evidence-based arguments, collaboration, writing, and presenting. Students who successfully pass AP Seminar, AP Research and four additional AP exams will receive a diploma from the College Board, giving them the opportunity to stand out in college applications and apply for competitive undergraduate research fellowships.

AP Seminar is a thought-provoking course where you will close-read and analyze articles, studies, and other texts, view issues from multiple perspectives, gather and combine information from sources, and craft arguments based on evidence. In this course, you will collaborate with peer groups and find solutions to topical issues, analyze and interpret arguments and data from sources, and think critically about authenticity of sources.

AP Research is a stimulating course where you will design, plan, and conduct a research-based investigation to address a research question of interest to you. In this course, you will learn and apply research methods and approaches to address real-world topics, connect with experts in the field you are studying, collect and interpret data, and communicate findings to a panel of experts.

AP Seminar

Social Science
-Migration and the Brain Drain
-Employee Engagement on Google’s Campus
-Terraforming Mars
-Migrant Worker Labor Rights

AP Research

Social Science
-Increased Concussion Awareness and Its Impact on Perceptions of the NFL within the High School Football Community
-The Food Service Industry: Customer Perceptions of the Implementation of Technology
-The Impact of Social Media on Small-Scale American Businesses
-PTSD and Art Therapy: A Meta-Analysis
-Go Along to Get Along: Junior Representatives and the Party Leadership
Film & Television
-Alarmism and Avatar
-Post-Apocalyptic World and Its Impact on Humanity in AMC’s The Walking Dead

AP Capstone Requirements:

  • 2.5 unweighted GPA in core courses
  • 2.0 average GPA in conduct
  • No more than 10 unexcused absences or 20 tardies in the previous year
  • Honors Physical Science
  • Honors Algebra I

**Students can earn Honors Algebra I and Honors Physical Science credits on Florida Virtual School. In order to meet eligibility requirements, please mail (varelamagnet@gmail.com) or fax (305-386-8987) proof of registration from the FLVS to Felix Varela Senior High School.

Academy of Choice & Magnet Application

Mary Karakadze