College Dual Enrollment Program Information

How do I know if I am eligible?

  • You must have and maintain an un-weighted GPA of at least a 3.0.(*Students with a 2.5 GPA or higher may only take the following course: SLS1510 Preparing for Student Success)
  • You must be college ready  and meet MDC testing requirements – Minimum test scores required for dual enrollment (subject to change) 
    • SAT – Critical Reading 440, Math 440
    • ACT – Reading 19, English 17, Math 19
    • PERT – Reading 106, Writing 103, Math 114
  • You must be a rising Sophomore or higher.
  • Felix Varela will NOT APPROVE any ENGLISH course or CORE SOCIAL STUDIES course (i.e. American History, Government, Economics).

Where do I begin?

  • STEP 1 – Begin exploring courses that you are interested in.
    • See list of eligible courses. 
  • STEP 2 Carefully select your course by using the interactive schedule
  • Step 3  Print your application here 
  • Step 4 Complete the application with all required information.
    • MUST include Course Number and Reference Number
    • ** DO NOT SELECT an ENGLISH or SOCIAL STUDIES CORE course (No American History, American Government or Economics courses).
    • If the form requires a parent signature, make sure that parent signs. 
  • Step 5 Are you college ready?
    • SAT – Critical Reading 440, Math 440
    • ACT – Reading 19, English 17, Math 19
    • PERT – Reading 106, Writing 103, Math 114
    • If you are college ready, proceed to get Approval from the Felix Varela Office .
    • If you are not college ready:
  • Step 6 Bring your application to Alvin Brown in the Main office for approval,  before school or afterschool only.  Request a Book Voucher at this time.
    • During summer hours you must drop off your forms with Ms. Diecidue in the main office. Signed and approved forms may be picked up on Fridays only.
  • Step 7  Register at Miami Dade College
    • MDC Admissions and Registration office 
    • Room R131 – Kendall Campus
    • (305)237-2222
    • Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm, Friday 8am-4:30pm

Important Reminders:

  • Sophomores, Juniors and seniors with a 2.5 GPA of Higher should register for the following course: SLS1510 Preparing for Student Success
  • All other courses require a 3.0 GPA

Create your MDC account and student email

Click on the “Financial Obligation Acknowledgement form” (link on the left) to clear for registration every semester.

Please check your email account on a regular basis!

  • Important websites:
  • MDC Advisement office, Room Bldg. R243 (Kendall) Maria Walker –
  • Hours: Mon & Wed 10:30am–6:00pm
  • Tue, Thu & Fri 8:30am-4:00pm * Subject to change *

Course Books, MDC Picture ID and Decal Requirements

  • Only public/charter high school must request a book voucher from High School counselor. All others must purchase your own course books.
  • To obtain your official MDC picture ID & decal, you must present a validated schedule, photo ID and vehicle registration in the Student Union Office
  • Bookstore, Room 8106 (305)237-2361– next to the Cafeteria
  • Student Union, Room 100 (305)237-2321

Please note: Contact Departments for hours of operation.

The ACCESS Department is available for students with disabilities, if they need services or assistance. You may contact (305)237-2767, Room 2121.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Dual Enrollment?

Dual Enrollment is a program that allows eligible students currently attending accredited Miami Dade County public, private, or charter schools, or home school to simultaneously enroll in college course(s). The credits that students earn at MDC must be used toward high school graduation and are acceptable toward a college associate or baccalaureate degree, or technical certificate.

What are some of the benefits of Dual Enrollment?

  • Enriches the course opportunities for outstanding secondary school students
  • Shortens the time to attain a college degree or certificate
  • Saves students and parents money, as dual enrollment students are exempt from paying tuition and fees
  • Provides students with college credit that is transferable to a college or university
  • Grades earned through dual enrollment become part of a student’s permanent high school and college transcripts

Who is eligible for the Dual Enrollment program at Miami Dade?

Students in grades 6-12 that are enrolled in Miami Dade County public, private, home or charter schools are eligible to participate in the MDC Dual Enrollment program.

Students must have:

  • A minimum 3.0 high school unweighted grade point average (GPA) ** See Below
  • Passed the appropriate Reading and Writing sections of the College’s Basic Skills Assessment Test (PERT or CPT), or submitted adequate SAT/ACT or FCAT scores (See additional testing and placement scores information)
  • Permission from the parent/guardian, school principal and counselor
  • Met with the College Dual Enrollment Coordinator at the campus he/she plans to attend
  • An understanding that the amount of work necessary to succeed in dual enrollment courses will be greater than in high school courses

Note: Students participating in dual enrollment must earn a grade of “C” or higher in their college-level courses and maintain a 3.0 GPA in high school to continue participation. Students whose College GPA falls below 2.0 are ineligible to continue dual enrollment. Students may lose eligibility if they are disruptive to the learning process.

Are all college courses available for dual enrollment?

No, there are some restrictions on the choice of courses:

  • The  Florida State Board of Education has identified a list of dual enrollment courses that high schools shall accept toward meeting high school graduation requirements. Additionally, Miami Dade College and Miami-Dade County Public Schools have agreed on a number of courses that are also  available for dual enrollment. See list of eligible courses.  Use the interactive schedule to find the date and time of your courses.
  • It is recommended that students enroll in a maximum of two courses each semester (in addition to required labs) in order to ensure academic success.
  • Developmental education courses, physical education courses, private music lessons, and some recreational courses are not eligible for dual enrollment.
  • Full virtual/online or independent courses are not allowed for Dual Enrollment. However, a hybrid or blended course that requires a student´s presence at the college campus is permitted.
  • All courses may not be offered every semester, on every campus. Courses may be unavailable/closed due to enrollment capacity.
  • A student may not be enrolled in a Dual Enrollment college credit mathematics or English course unless the student has demonstrated adequate pre-collegiate preparation on the appropriate section of the basic computation and communication skills assessment.

When and where may dual enrollment courses be taken?

The courses may be taken before school, after school, and during the summer. However, if the student is projected to graduate from high school before the scheduled completion date of a postsecondary course, the student may not register for that course through dual enrollment.

Students may only enroll in courses during regular school hours when there is a written agreement between the school and MDC to offer the course to dually enrolled students. Courses may be offered at the  school, on the College campus, or other approved locations. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to the college campus.

Who pays the college tuition for the Dual Enrollment program?

  • ALL students enrolled in the dual enrollment or Early Admission program are exempt from the payment of tuition and fees. (1009.25 F.S.)
  • Public, private and charter schools must pay the College the standard tuition rate per credit hour.
  • As of July 1, 2014, the law states that tuition payment by schools is for instruction that takes place on the College campus for courses  taken during the Fall and Spring terms only; not during the Summer.
  • Home education students:  A public postsecondary institution may not charge tuition to either the student or the school district for dual enrollment courses taken by home education students. 
  • For dual enrollment courses offered on the school site by college faculty, the schools must reimburse the College for costs associated with the portion of salary and benefits of the instructor and other actual costs.

Who pays for the textbooks?

  • Miami-Dade County Public Schools students receive their books at no cost. Students are issued a dual enrollment book voucher from their school and are responsible for returning them to their school.
  • Private school students and home school students must pay for their own books.
  • Charter schools are responsible for paying the cost of textbooks for their students participating in Dual Enrollment.

What is the Dual Enrollment application process?

  • Students must visit the Dual Enrollment Coordinator´s office at the campus they plan to attend and submit a regular Miami Dade College Admission Application together with a Dual Enrollment Program Form. The Dual Enrollment Program Form must include signatures of the student, parent/guardian, school counselor, and school principal, as well as bear the official school seal.
  • Both forms should be submitted to the campus Dual Enrollment Coordinator where the student plans to attend at least 10  days in advance of the requested term of enrollment
  • Complete placement testing requirements (bring 2 pieces of ID)
  • A new Dual Enrollment Program Form must be submitted for each term/semester enrolled
  • To participate in the dual enrollment program, an eligible home school student must provide proof of enrollment in a home education program that has been filed with the M-DCPS Homeschool office. Home school students  should submit a high school academic plan that clearly delineates courses they have already completed  through home school,  courses to be taken at MDC, and courses to be taken through home school.

Where can additional information about the Dual Enrollment program and registration procedures be obtained?

For further information, please contact Alvin Brown in the attendance office.