Parking Regulations
- Students must have a parking decal appropriately displayed in order to park in the student parking lot.
- Student drivers must have a valid driver’s license (not a Learner’s Permit), Florida vehicle registration and proof of Florida minimum insurance coverage.
- A decal is used for one specific vehicle. If for any reason a vehicle is changed, report to Mrs. Dean and update insurance and registration information immediately.
- Parking is on a first come first serve basis. There are NO assigned spaces.
- Decals may be purchased in the attendance office, room 321 for a cost of $15. Only students who have purchased parking decals may park in the designated student parking lot.
- Operating a vehicle in wreckless or harmful manner will result in the termination of parking privileges.
- Students may not go to their car during the school day.
- Students may not leave school ground during the school day in their vehicle without administrative permission.
- The staff of Felix Varela High School will monitor the parking areas; however, Felix Varela and its personnel cannot be responsible for the safety of these vehicles.
- Violation of these rules may result in the loss of parking privileges, fines, or towing.
- Parking privileges may be revoked when a student reaches 10 absences and/or 20 tardies.
- If for any reason a decal is lost, stolen, destroyed, etc. the replacement cost of ($5.00) must be paid to receive another decal. Parking privileges associated with lost, stolen, or destroyed stickers are considered revoked.
- Parking lots designated for faculty are not to be used by others. Students found to be using Faculty‐parking facilities will be subject to disciplinary action. Following the first offense, the parent/guardian will be called, a warning given, and a record made of the offense. Administrative action and suspension of all parking privileges may follow subsequent offenses.