Arrival to School
School starts promptly at 7:20 am and it is expected that students are in the classroom, at their desk, at 7:20 am. Parents dropping off students in the morning should use the “Parent Pickup/Drop-off Lane” along 152nd Avenue only. All students arriving to school each morning will report to either the patio areas or cafeteria until the first bell rings at 7:20 am. Students that have a “Varela Parking Decal” will be allowed to park in the student parking lot. Students arriving on bus (public or private) will enter through the bus lane on 96th Street.
Dismissal from School
All students taking a bus home will exit to the Bus Lane on 96th Street. All students must leave at dismissal time unless prior authorization has been given by the school (school sponsored event, sports practice, etc.) Parents are not permitted to pick up students in the school parking lot after 3:00 pm for the safety of students, staff and parents. Parents are to pick up students at the “Parents are to pick up/ Drop-off lane” along 152 avenue.